Since the warmer weather is right around the corner, I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you about an AMAZING glamping experience Jess and I had! We absolutely loved our time here (despite it being 2 years ago!).
In general, I hate camping.. so when my wife told me that we are going camping, I was not a happy camper (pun intended)
She then said it's not technically not camping, it's glamping (glamorous camping)- now there's a new term I never heard of before... but since she already paid for it, I'll go with the flow and not make her disconTENT.
Bill Hills Farm Tent and Breakfast is located in a small town in Narrowsburg NY, it's somewhat close to the Delaware Water Gap and it's approximately a two and a half hour drive from Queens NY. TIP: It's on the way to Woodbury outlet, so you can do some shopping after glamping.
We got there just before it was dark, In order to gain access there, you'll need to first meet up with the owner Jane (she lived just down the block) and she'll direct you to the glamping tent.
After a short 5 minutes drive into the woods, we got to the tent and since it was night time, we couldn't really see the outside of the tent, but inside- O-M-G- GLAMOROUS! Everything was wood so you still feel like you are in the wild, Queen size bed, lights, and electricity, small refrigerator, table, fully functional toilet, shower with jets and a full-size marble sink. It just couldn't get more inTents than this!
After the tour around the tent, Jane was super sweet and asked us if we had any dietary restrictions and also what time we would like to have breakfast. We said no and then she said good night and left us to enjoy the song of the nature = cricket singing
The next day breakfast was served at around 8am (thru our request), We didn't get our breakfast served to us in bed but it was atop of a TREEHOUSE!!! OMG moment #2, this is definitely a boy's (I mean MEN) dream come true!!!! Moving on to breakfast we had muffins, fruit salad, an APPLE SAUSAGE RING and scramble eggs.. I usually don't eat sausages but that apple sausage ring was delicious!!! So good that I had two servings! and I'm very critical about my scramble eggs but Jane was on point with the eggs, it was perfect- nice and fluffy, not runny and not rock solid. While we were eating, Jane suggested a few places we should check out and she even gave us detailed directions to each of these places.. she's just too nice!

Unfortunately it rained both days we were there, but still, we had a great time hanging out in the tent and tree house. The town center itself is not big but it's cute in its own unique way.
Overall the whole stay was quite an experience, Jane was an excellent host and is super accommodating, the tent was amazing with everything well maintained, the food Jane cooked was legit! that Apple sausage ring so good!! I'm not a fan of camping but I will not mind coming back to Blue Hill Farm Tent for another glamping experience!