
About jess & Fel

Thank you so much for stopping by! We're Jess and Felix - both born and bred in NY (woot woot!) We met in 2007 as counselors at a church's vacation bible school (introduced by Jess' best friend and a mutual friend) -- and definitely by a miracle of God, fel(l) in love! We got married in Nov 2012 (during Hurricane Sandy) and now reside in Long Island, NY. 

We wanted to start this blog to document our life's adventures, whether they be food, travels, or even hard issues that married couples may face. Although marriage is amazing, we wanted to share with you the good with the bad, the ups and downs, and the fun and not-so-fun times. 

A little bit about Jess: 

  • She loves teaching and is a special education teacher in an elementary school.
  • She loves all things beauty - in fact, she has her own youtube channel and blog that she started in 2009.
  • She is also a freelance hair and makeup artist. You can find her work here.
  • You will often find her wearing in a dress and leggings.
  • If there is music, you will often see her (or hear her) belting out the songs and dancing.
  • If she can eat any food forever, it would be french fries and sushi.

A little bit about Felix: 

  • He works as a curriculum developer and supervisor for safety trainers.
  • He loves all things games - computer games, video games, board games.
  • He loves the art of claw machines and learning how to win soft, plush toys.
  • He used to be a pastry chef (and now only does it for Jess... I mean for fun)
  • You will often find him in jeans and a plaid shirt 
  • If there is music, you will often see him telling Jess to stop dancing ("this is not a club" LOL) 
  • He has a crazy Funko Pop! collection - in fact, he has a room dedicated to it! 
  • Felix will often be caught with bubble tea, chicken parm or egg products.

We hope you enjoy reading this
as much as we enjoy sharing our lives with you!