Jess Fel in Love

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Japan Day 10: Nara Park + Lots of Deer!

I can't believe we're hitting the last leg of our trip!! So sad! However, we've had such a blast exploring Japan and getting to share it with you! 

Day 10, we decided to take a day trip over to Nara, which is a quaint little town that houses the famous Nara Park. Nara Park not only has gorgeous history and shrines, it is also home to a ton of wild deer! In Nara, the deer roam free and are legitimately straight chillen! 

You can even buy deer cookies and feed them! But beware, they all of a sudden come in packs when you do that. And although they are relatively friendly, they will definitely want to eat the crumbs off your shirt (may end up chompin' down on some other body parts too ha ha ha) We had such a blast playing with them.. and they even bow to you when you bow!!! Too cute! 

They also had gorgeous sights to see as well - five-story pagodas, fun mochi stands where they pound and slap the mochi and lots of little souvenir shops! 

After we got back, we decided to go sushi conveyor belt hopping so I could get my fix of sushi and asahi beer lol! and after a bit of resting and shopping, we got our last takoyakis and soaked up the last bits of dotonburi street before hittin the sack! 

Osaka is so full of life, fun, diverse... and a little bit sketchy at night. We had a blast though!! It was fun to visit - but time for a long travel to our next destination!